
Set Free for GREATNESS

These 5 habits are holding your back from GREATNESS:

1. Chasing after those who don't want to be caught:  Stop chasing people!  Be you!  Work hard, pursue your passion, serve others, and eventually the right people will be placed in your life.

2. Giving up who YOU are:  Get out of any situation that requires you to give up any one of these three things...1) Who you are.  2) What you stand for.  3)  The goals you aspire to achieve.

3. Expecting life to be easy:  It's NOT.  However, the difficulties we experience make us better.

4. Letting one dark cloud cover the entire sky:  We all have a bad moment, or a bad day, NOT a bad life.  Everyone has troubles and makes mistakes!  Accepted it, deal with it, overcome it, and MOVE ON!

5. Denying personal responsibility:  You're getting almost everything you're getting right now in life largely based on the decisions you've made up to this point.  If you are unhappy...START MAKING different decisions.