
Break these Habits!

1.  Quit procrastinating on your goals!
Unmet goals definitely do not lead to happiness!

2.  Quit blaming others and making excuses!
Blaming others or making excuses just breeds more negativity.  Take responsibly for your own actions, if you are unhappy with your current situation...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

3.  Quit trying to control the uncontrollable!
Things will happen everyday in life that are uncontrollable.  You cannot control what others do, say, or believe about you.  You cannot control life tragedies or accidents.  

4.  Quit talking down to yourself!
You are wonderfully and beautifully made...BELIEVE THAT!

5.  Quit criticizing others!
When we criticize others we continue to perpetuate a negative mindset and attitude.

6.  Quit running from your problems and fears!
Your problems and fears will NOT go away until you face them.  The longer you wait, the harder it becomes.  Step up and deal with them, overcome them, and find freedom beyond them.

7.  Quit living in another time and place!
Acknowledge your past, anticipate your future, BUT LIVE IN THE PRESENT!

8.  Quit trying to be someone you're not!
Trying to be someone you're not is exhausting!  Be who you are!  Be who you were created to be!  BE YOU!

9.  Quit being ungrateful!
An ungrateful heart is not happy.  Be thankful and appreciate the people and things you have!

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