How true is this statement: the bulk of appreciation you receive in this life happens before you reach the age of six or after you’re dead. (Dan Rockwell)
Think about it! I have three kids, ages six, three, and two. Right now they are showered with words of encouragement, appreciation, forgiveness, acknowledgement, and grace. However, you and I both know that eventually something will change in my actions and communication towards them. At some point they will reach that stage where they will be expected to put into practice everything they’ve been taught or what I think they should know. And when they hit this stage, the words of encouragement and appreciation will become less and less!
The other side of showing appreciation is this…sometimes we wait until it’s too late. I tragically lost my father at the age of 16 and my second father at the age of 26. At both of their funerals I sat and heard several people share their admiration and appreciation of each of my fathers. I too was fortunate enough to speak at my second father’s funeral and I remember sharing wonderful stories honoring the role he played in my life.
THE REALITY IS THIS…everyone at some point in life feels underappreciated either at work, school, home, church, organization, etc...
Why do you feel under-appreciated? Because no one understands the true amount of energy you’re expending for them. No one comprehends what you gave up to invest in their life, project, or organization. Your co-works, boss, spouse, and children can’t get inside you to understand and appreciate what goes into your efforts. (Dan Rockwell)
Be careful, feelings of under-appreciation can turn into self-defeating anger, self-pity, and bitterness.
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